We At DPS Shikohabad aim at Producing Students who not only excel at academics but who are also imbued and ethical values skills and attitudes to contribute positively to society.Therefore, the admission process is designed totest both aptitude and attitude. While the tests assess proficiency in English. Mathematics and Hindi, they also reveal the child’s Problem Solving Skills. Portions integrated in the admission process also examine the applicant’s belief and value system on the basis of which he/she makes decisions and the way he/she handles and negotiates with the external world. Thus,Our method of testing a studnet has been designed in such a way so that we can look at him/her holistically.
The Registration form, duty filled in all respect, should be submitted to the school office on or before the last date of submission for registration forms. No observation/ Interaction of the child or parents will be required at this stage. Afterthe scrutiny ofthe their ward through the school campus and will be asked to complete the steps ofadmission formalities by depositing the required fee and all other charges along with the necessary documents. The school reserves its exclusive right to select/ reject an application.
If is expected of the parents that they will put in the correct date of birth and all other information about the child. As the school is not interaction/meeting the child before admission if is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that child is found to be mentally and physically fit to attend the school regularly. In case the child is found to be mentally of physically unfit to attend the school, the management will reserve the right to cancel the admission and refund the security deposit amount only.
Step for Registration and Admission for Class I onwards
- Admission to classes I to V will be subjects to availability of seats and child’s performance at the written test and interview.
- The Registration form, duly filled in all respect, should be submitted to the school office on or before the last date of submission for submitted to the school office on or before the last date ofsubmission for registration forms.
- After scrutinizing the registration forms the parents will be informed about a date for the written test for their ward/wards.
- The written test will be followed by an interaction session preferably on the same day or one day later. Both the parents must be present in the school campus on the day ofthe test and interaction. Ifwritten test and interaction
- is held on the same day then there may be a gap of an hour or so between the two. The entire procedure may last about three hours, and therefore, parents are advised to plain theirschedules well in advance.
- Parents must bring both the copies of the admit card
- attached in this brochure to the school on the written test
- andinteraction day/days.
- List of successful candidates will be displayed in our school campus within a day after the written test and interaction process get over. Parents will also be informed overthetelephone/sms.
- The parents of the successful candidates will be required to complete the admission formalities by depositing the required fees and other charges along with the submission of necessary documents within the date prescribed.
Points to be noted for the purpose of Registration
No Documents are required at the point of registration. The Registration Form is not transferable.
The Registration form issued by the school should be exclusively used for the purpose of registration of your child. No photocopies of the registration from will be allowed.
Parents are requested to go through this Prospectus- cum-Admission information booklet carefully before filling the Registration Form. Incomplete or illegible registration form will not be accepted.
The applications will be scrutinised and only those found complete in all respect will be selected for Observation/Written test. Intimation of the exact date and time of the test, along with the admit card will be provided atthetime ofsubmittingthe registration form.
Applying for registration/admission does not imply direct admission.
Syllabus of the Written Test
Our Syllabus for the written test has been designed by a professional team of educationists and psychologists to make it stress free for children and the same is available on our web-site www.dps.ac.in
Documents to be Submitted at the time of admission
School leaving/transfer certificate and last report card, in originals. (Without this no student from class II onward will be admitted.) Counter signed school leaving certificate for student coming from outside U.P./ outside India should be attested by educational department/embassy.
Medical certificate from a registered Medical practitioner (as per health card attached in the enrolment form).
Municipal Birth certificate, in original for classes nursery and preparatory.
Recent passport size colour photographs of the candidate and both parents. (2 each)
Note : Admission will be cancelled if any variance or misrepresentation is found between the particulars filled in the Registration Form and the supporting documents at any stage. In such case, only the security deposit will be refunded.